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A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Brand and Reaching Your Target Market
Welcome! - Video (6:00)
Defining and Locating Your Target Markets
Defining and Locating Your Target Markets - Video Lesson (13:27)
Defining and Locating Your Target Markets - Downloadable Slides
Defining Your Target Market B2C - Exercise
Defining Your Target Market B2B - Exercise
How to Research Where Your Target Markets Are - Resource
QUIZ - Defining and Locating Your Target Markets
How to Develop a Smart Brand
How to Develop a Smart Brand - Video Lesson (22:16)
How to Develop a Smart Brand - Downloadable Slides
Craft Your Own Brand Statement - Exercise
QUIZ - How to Develop a Smart Brand
Cracking the Code: What motivation does your audience need to BUY?
What Motivates Your Buyer - Video (9:44)
What Motivates Your Buyer - Downloadable Slides
Appealing to Your Buyer's Motivation - Exercise
Adapting Your Marketing to Social Styles - Resources
QUIZ - What Motivates Your Buyer
Creating A Consistent Brand Identity
Creating A Consistent Brand Identity - Video (12:58)
Creating A Consistent Brand Identity - Downloadable Slides
What are the values of your company? - Resource
List of Brand Values - Exercise
More About Tone of Voice - Resource
Choose Your Tone - Exercise
QUIZ - Creating A Consistent Brand Identity
Psychological Tricks to Capture Your Audience's Attention
Psychological Tricks to Capture Your Audience's Attention - Video (21:03)
Psychological Tricks to Capture Your Audience's Attention - Downloadable Slides
The Meaning of Colors - Resource
The Colors of Your Brand - Exercise
Keywords and Hooks for Your Brand - Exercise
Speaking Your Customer's Language - Resource
Priming Your Message So Your Audience Is Ready for It - Resource
QUIZ - Psychological Tricks to Capture Your Audience's Attention
The Rules for Sharing Your Message
The Rules for Sharing Your Message - Video (11:35)
The Rules for Sharing Your Message - Downloadable Slides
Why the Rule of Seven is Important for Your Sales Success - Resource
Getting In Front of Your Audience - Exercise
How to Successfully Market If You Have Multiple Target Markets - Resource
QUIZ - The Rules for Sharing Your Message
Celebrating Your Amazing Work
Celebrating Your Amazing Work - Video (4:35)
Celebrating Your Amazing Work - Downloadable Slides
Craft Your Own Brand Statement - Exercise
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