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How to Win at Social Media (even with no budget!)
Welcome! - Video (4:03)
Finding Your Target Markets on Social Media
Finding Your Target Markets on Social Media - Video (8:23)
Finding Your Target Markets on Social Media - Downloadable Slides
Social Media Demographics from Pew Research Center - Resource
Locating Your Target Markets on Social Media - Exercises
QUIZ - Finding Your Target Markets on Social Media
Shining the Right Light on Your Brand
Shining the Right Light on Your Brand - Video (13:15)
Shining the Right Light on Your Brand - Downloadable Slides
List of Brand Values - Exercise
List of Tone Descriptors - Exercise
QUIZ - Shining the Right Light on Your Brand
Design a Winning Posting Strategy
Design a Winning Posting Strategy - Video (11:52)
Design a Winning Posting Strategy - Downloadable Slides
Setting the Volume for Your Social Media Posts - Exercise
What it Means to Sell without Selling - Resource
How to Sell without Selling - Resource
Best Attraction Posts for Your Business - Exercise
Social Media Posting Schedule - Exercise
QUIZ - Design a Winning Posting Strategy
Create Smart Pathways for Your Traffic
Create Smart Pathways for Your Traffic - Video (9:12)
Create Smart Pathways for Your Traffic - Downloadable Slides
Converting Your Social Media Audience - Resource
Developing Your Signature Line - Exercise
QUIZ - Create Smart Pathways for Your Traffic
Build Audience Engagement and Commitment
Build Audience Engagement and Commitment - Video (16:08)
Build Audience Engagement and Commitment - Downloadable Slides
Identifying Partner Businesses on Social Media - Exercise
Why Social Media Engagement is More Impactful Than Posting - Resource
Facebook Best Practices: Engaging as Your Business Page - Resource
The Power of the Hashtag - Resource
QUIZ - Build Audience Engagement and Commitment
Celebrating Your Amazing Work
Celebrating Your Amazing Work - Video (4:05)
Celebrating Your Amazing Work - Downloadable Slides
Welcome! - Video
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